Disney Pixar – Text a Monster Microsite

“the largest retail-based mobile marketing promotion ever carried out in Europe.”

Client: Disney Pixar / McDonald’s Text a Monster Microsite
Agency: Agilisys
Art Direction: Jonathan Porter
Project Scope: Online SMS Mechanics & Text-a-Monster Microsite

The four-week campaign, which began February 8, was McDonald’s United Kingdom’s first foray into mobile marketing. It tested the waters with a partner, Disney’s Pixar, which was promoting its “Monsters, Inc.” animated flick. The online campaign was created by the Agilisys design team, headed up by their Creative Director, Jonathan Porter.

One of the panelists, J. Sandom of Rapp Digital, turned me on to this second campaign, billed as “the largest retail-based mobile marketing promotion ever carried out in Europe.” It also involves a brand that’s quintessentially American – McDonald’s.

J. Sandom, Rapp Digital

The McDonald’s UK effort happened in the real world, not a pilot situation. It involved all 1,200 of the restaurants in the country. All large and super-size boxes of fries were emblazoned with a “Monsters, Inc.” peel-off window, revealing one of six characters, a code number, and a text-in number. Customers used their phones to send the code to the text-in number and instantly received a message telling them if they won a prize.

The company is supporting the promotion with TV advertising, in-restaurant signage, and a promotion microsite.

“It tested the waters with a partner, Disney’s Pixar”

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